E-mail manager shop
Area of configuration:
Settings menu > Shop > Configuration.
By default, this shop E-mail manager is the same as the one that was already specified as the e-mail of Admin contact when the company was created.
However, if a company has several shops, it is possible to modify this address in order to include a specific e-mail address for each shop administrator.
Information sent to this e-mail address:
- By default and in case of failure, notifications of Instant Payment Notification URL call type.
You can change the recipient or decide to not be notified. Simply delete this e-mail, modify it and/or add one or more e-mail addresses via the corresponding notification rule: Instant Payment Notification URL call.
- By default, the notification of E-mail sent to the merchant type.
It is possible to change the recipient. Simply change the e-mail address and/or add one or more e-mail addresses via the corresponding notification rule: E-mail sent to the merchant.
- Notifications while creating the shop.
This type of notifications is also sent as a copy to the Admin contact address of the company.
- Notifications during the (re)generation of the production certificate of the shop.
This type of notifications is also sent as a copy to the Admin contact address of the company.
- Notifications while enabling 3D Secure.
- E-mails sent by a buyer in the event of a problem with a payment order received from the merchant.
- A copy of payment orders by e-mail if the manager’s address is ticked when the payment order is created.
Company Admin contact e-mail
Area of configuration:
- The e-mail of the Admin contact is configured when the company is created.
- It can be modified via the Expert Back Office: Settings menu > Company details, Admin contact section.
The e-mail of the Admin contact is specified when the company is created. All the notifications regarding the company (all shops included) are sent to this address.
Information sent to this e-mail address:
- Notifications while creating the shop.
This type of notification is sent to the E-mail manager address of the shop and then as a copy to Admin contact if the address is different.
- Notifications during the (re)generation of the production certificate of the shop.
This type of notification is sent to the E-mail manager address of the shop and then as a copy to Admin contact if the address is different.
Shift the data collection form to production mode and Confirmation of shifting the data collection form to production mode notifications.
- Notifications containing data consistency reports (errors identified in company, shop and/or contract settings).
- Notifications containing detailed invoices of the shop.
- Notifications in the form of a newsletter to the merchant.
Technical contact
Area of configuration:
- The e-mail of the Technical contact is configured when the company is created.
- It can be modified via the Expert Back Office: Settings menu > Company details, section Technical contact
This address will not be the recipient of any e-mails coming from the payment gateway. However, their contact can be useful during the first exchanges with our technical support after the merchant shop is created.
Contact e-mail address(es) in case of an incident
Area of configuration:
- The e-mail of the Admin contact is configured when the company is created.
- However, it can be modified via the Expert Back Office: Settings menu > Company details> Contact e-mail address(es) in case of an incident
This e-mail may be that of a technical contact, integrator, administrator or any other person likely to be notified to assist the merchant(s) in the event of an incident.
Information sent to this e-mail address:
- Notification in case of incidents on the payment gateway.
E-mail of the buyer connected to Expert Back Office
These e-mails are specified when the Expert Back Office or SFTP user account is created.
- Notification of user account creation/modification including a login/password.
- Notification in case of creation/modification of a SFTP account.