You can create a payment via the PrestaShop Back Office for:
- Sending an e-mail to the client, it will contain a link for making the payment.
- Making a manual payment via PrestaShop, this action taken by the merchant requires:
Having opted for an offer that includes a VAD contract for manual payments.
Having opted for an offer that includes the option Payment by another channel.
To create a payment via the PrestaShop Back Office:
- Sign in to your PrestaShop Back Office.
- Go to the Orders > Orders menu.
- Click the Add an order button.
- Search for an already registered client or click the Add a new client button.
- In the Cart section, search for one or several products to add and click the Add to cart button.
- Add a discount voucher, if needed.
- Update or add a new buyer’s address, if needed.
- Select the delivery mode.
- In the summary section, select Lyra as Payment.
- Click the More button and choose one of the following features:
Send an e-mail to the client with a link for making the payment: In this case, the payment will be made by the buyer.If you want to test this feature, you will have to perform the test payment using a different browser than the one used to access your PrestaShop Back Office.Otherwise, you can encounter the 60 - vads_payment_src error if you do not have an offer including a VAD contract or the Payment by another channel option.
Go to the payment page to proceed to the payment: The payment will be made by the merchant in manual payment mode.This link should not be sent to the buyer.
Send an e-mail to the client with a link for making the payment: In this case, the payment will be made by the buyer.