Logging in to the Back Office
Transaction management
- Canceling a transaction
- Refunding a transaction via the Merchant Back Office
- Analyzing a refused payment
- > Refusal related to the authorization request
- > Refusal related to authentication
- > Refusal related to risk assessment
Shop settings
- Creating a custom notification rule
- Different types of notifications
- > Instant Payment Notification URL call
- > E-mail sent to the merchant
- > E-mail sent to the buyer
- > SMS sent to the merchant
- Prestashop 1.5-8.x
- > How to add another payment method?
- > Viewing my version of CMS and module
- > Making a refund via Prestashop
- > Configuring the module in multi-shop mode
- > Why doesn't an order come up from the CMS?
3D Secure
- What is 3D Secure?
- Functioning of 3D Secure
- Benefits and possibilities of 3D Secure
- Increasing the Frictionless rate
- > I’m using the Hosted Payment Page (form with redirect)
- > I am using REST Web Services or the JavaScript client (embedded form)
Mobile application
- Download the mobile application
- Use of the application payment orders
- Creating and sending a payment order
- Login
- > Logging in to the application for the first time
- > Changing my password
SFTP server
- Connecting to the SFTP server
- Renewing the SFTP password
- Reports
- > Processing directory
- > Filename examples
- Payment by token files
Lyra SMS
- Downloading the PCI DSS certificate
- Configuring Google Analytics
- What to do in case my shop closes?
- > Exporting your data
- > Checking your refunds
- > Check the outstanding amounts of your payments in installments